To the Right Honourable, William, Earle Marshall, Lord Dunotor Altre, and Marshall of Scotland by Inheritance
Wit noble Sir you very well expresse
In setting forth a minde with noblenes,
Lordly repleat that with advance so by
Lively doth meet with true nobility
In which nathles your meeknes so excelleth,
A Peere y'are almost Peerelesse parallelleth,
Mighty great Lord, scarce any doth the worth,
Kept in your noble brest which you send forth,
Expressing a sage wit in actions wise,
Intending still nobly to enterprise,
That which may favour all of wit , yet tho
High in esteem you are, you meek do show,
Ever all wit you meekly by we know.
In setting forth a minde with noblenes,
Lordly repleat that with advance so by
Lively doth meet with true nobility
In which nathles your meeknes so excelleth,
A Peere y'are almost Peerelesse parallelleth,
Mighty great Lord, scarce any doth the worth,
Kept in your noble brest which you send forth,
Expressing a sage wit in actions wise,
Intending still nobly to enterprise,
That which may favour all of wit , yet tho
High in esteem you are, you meek do show,
Ever all wit you meekly by we know.
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