To the Right Noble and Magnanimous Gentleman Sir John Brooke Knight, One of Her Majesties Chiefe Captaines in the Low Countries

To the right noble and mag -nanimous Gentleman Sir John Brooke Knight, one of her Majesties chiefe Captaines in the LOW COUNTRIES.

Brave KNIGHT, whose Vertues far exceed thy yeeres,
The Ornament of thy thrise Noble House ,
Whose Worth is such as findes abroad few Peeres:
So Famous art thou, and Illustrious ,
 Making the World to wonder at thy Praise,
 Whilst to thy selfe new Glorie thou dost raise.

Thou like unto another Alexander ,
Art to thy Countries Foes, a Tamberlaine ,
(A Bloody Scourge) whilst thou dost them indanger,
The Proudst of whom, thou makst to yeeld with shame:
 Witnes the Siege of AMYENS late in FRANCE,
 Where Knightly Honor thy Service did advance.

Vouchsafe thou then great MARSI's Parent Heire ,
To lay aside thy Martiall minde a space,
And view these lines, Th'untimely Fruits of Care ,
Which I desire (though not deserve) to grace:
 Gratious thou art with All, then grace to One
 This Verse, whose Grace I do entreate alone.

May be, when my coy ALBA shall perceive,
This Favour done so kindly unto me,
She (for a while) from Rigor then will breathe,
Taking Truce, (though not Peace) from Crueltie.
 Grant me this Sute, and I with zeale will pray,
 That when thou lou'st, thy Mistris nere say Nay .
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