Roger and Dolly

Young Roger came tapping at Dolly's window,
Tumpaty, tumpaty, tump.
He begg'd for admittance, she answer'd him, No!
Glumpaty, glumpaty, glump.
My Dolly, my dear, your true love is here,
Dumpaty, dumpaty, dump.
No, Roger, no, as you came you may go,
Clumpaty, clumpaty, clump.

Oh! what is the reason, dear Dolly, he cried,
Pumpaty, pumpaty, pump.
That thus I'm cast off and unkindly deny'd,
Frumpaty, frumpaty, frump.
Some rival more dear I guess has been here,
Crumpaty, crumpaty, crump.
Suppose there's been two; pray, sir, what's that to you?
Numpaty, numpaty, nump.

O, then with a sigh a sad farewell he took,
Lumpaty, lumpaty, lump.
And all in despair he leapt into the brook,
Flumpaty, flumpaty, flump.
His courage it cool'd, he found himself fool'd,
Trumpaty, trumpaty, trump.
He swam to the shore and saw Dolly no more,
Rumpaty, rumpaty, rump.

And then she recall'd and recall'd him again,
Humpaty, humpaty, hump.
But he like a madman ran over the plain,
Stumpaty, stumpaty, stump.
Determin'd to find a damsel more kind,
Plumpaty, plumpaty, plump.
While Dolly's afraid she shall die an old maid,
Mumpaty, mumpaty, mump.
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