A Rural Hymn
T O your creator God,
Your great preserver, raise,
Ye creatures of his hand,
Your highest notes of praise:
Let every voice
Proclaim his power,
His name adore,
And loud rejoice.
Let all creation join
To pay the tribute due;
Ye meaner ranks begin,
And man shall learn of you:
Let nature raise
From every tongue,
A general song
Of grateful praise.
Ye numerous fleecy flocks,
Far spreading o'er the plain,
With gentle artless voice
Assist the humble strain:
To give you food,
He bids the field
Its verdure yield;
Extensive good.
Ye herds of larger size,
Who feed in meads below,
Resound your Maker's praise
In each responsive low:
You wait his hand;
The herbage grows,
The rivulet flows,
At his command.
Ye feathered warblers come,
And bring your sweetest lays,
And tune the sprightly song
To your Creator's praise:
His work you are;
He tun'd your voice,
And you rejoice
Beneath his care.
Ye trees, which form the shade,
Or bend the loaded bough
With fruits of various kinds,
Your Maker's bounty shew:
From him you rose,
Your vernal suits,
And autumn fruits,
His hand bestows.
Ye lovely, verdant fields,
In all your green array,
Though silent, speak his praise,
Who makes you bright and gay:
While we in you,
With future bread
Profusely spread,
His goodness view.
Ye flowers, which blooming shew
A thousand beauteous dyes,
Your sweetest odours breathe,
A fragrant sacrifice,
To him, whose word
Gave all your bloom,
And sweet perfume;
All-bounteous Lord.
Ye rivers, as you flow,
Convey your Maker's name,
(Where'er you winding rove)
On every silver stream;
Your cooling flood,
His hand ordains
To bless the plains;
Great spring of good!
Ye winds, that shake the world
With tempests on your wing,
Or breathe in gentler gales,
To waft the smiling spring:
Proclaim abroad,
(As you fulfill
His sovereign will)
The powerful God.
Ye clouds, or fraught with showers,
Or ting'd with beauteous dyes,
That pour your blessings down,
Or charm our gazing eyes;
His goodness speak,
His praise declare,
As through the air
You shine or break.
Thou source of light and heat,
Bright sovereign of the day,
Dispensing blessings round,
With all-diffusive ray;
From morn to night,
With every beam,
Record his name,
Who made thee bright.
Fair regent of the night,
With all thy starry train,
Which rise in shining hosts,
To gild the azure plain;
With countless rays
Declare his name,
Prolong the theme,
Reflect his praise.
Let every creature join
To celebrate his name,
And all the various powers
Assist th' exalted theme.
Let nature raise
From every tongue,
A general song
Of grateful praise,
But oh! from human tongues
Should nobler praises flow;
And every thankful heart,
With warm devotion glow:
Your voices raise,
Ye highly blest
Above the rest;
Declare his praise.
Assist me, gracious God,
My heart, my voice inspire;
Then shall I grateful join
The universal choir:
Thy grace can raise
My heart, my tongue,
And tune my song
To lively praise.
T O your creator God,
Your great preserver, raise,
Ye creatures of his hand,
Your highest notes of praise:
Let every voice
Proclaim his power,
His name adore,
And loud rejoice.
Let all creation join
To pay the tribute due;
Ye meaner ranks begin,
And man shall learn of you:
Let nature raise
From every tongue,
A general song
Of grateful praise.
Ye numerous fleecy flocks,
Far spreading o'er the plain,
With gentle artless voice
Assist the humble strain:
To give you food,
He bids the field
Its verdure yield;
Extensive good.
Ye herds of larger size,
Who feed in meads below,
Resound your Maker's praise
In each responsive low:
You wait his hand;
The herbage grows,
The rivulet flows,
At his command.
Ye feathered warblers come,
And bring your sweetest lays,
And tune the sprightly song
To your Creator's praise:
His work you are;
He tun'd your voice,
And you rejoice
Beneath his care.
Ye trees, which form the shade,
Or bend the loaded bough
With fruits of various kinds,
Your Maker's bounty shew:
From him you rose,
Your vernal suits,
And autumn fruits,
His hand bestows.
Ye lovely, verdant fields,
In all your green array,
Though silent, speak his praise,
Who makes you bright and gay:
While we in you,
With future bread
Profusely spread,
His goodness view.
Ye flowers, which blooming shew
A thousand beauteous dyes,
Your sweetest odours breathe,
A fragrant sacrifice,
To him, whose word
Gave all your bloom,
And sweet perfume;
All-bounteous Lord.
Ye rivers, as you flow,
Convey your Maker's name,
(Where'er you winding rove)
On every silver stream;
Your cooling flood,
His hand ordains
To bless the plains;
Great spring of good!
Ye winds, that shake the world
With tempests on your wing,
Or breathe in gentler gales,
To waft the smiling spring:
Proclaim abroad,
(As you fulfill
His sovereign will)
The powerful God.
Ye clouds, or fraught with showers,
Or ting'd with beauteous dyes,
That pour your blessings down,
Or charm our gazing eyes;
His goodness speak,
His praise declare,
As through the air
You shine or break.
Thou source of light and heat,
Bright sovereign of the day,
Dispensing blessings round,
With all-diffusive ray;
From morn to night,
With every beam,
Record his name,
Who made thee bright.
Fair regent of the night,
With all thy starry train,
Which rise in shining hosts,
To gild the azure plain;
With countless rays
Declare his name,
Prolong the theme,
Reflect his praise.
Let every creature join
To celebrate his name,
And all the various powers
Assist th' exalted theme.
Let nature raise
From every tongue,
A general song
Of grateful praise,
But oh! from human tongues
Should nobler praises flow;
And every thankful heart,
With warm devotion glow:
Your voices raise,
Ye highly blest
Above the rest;
Declare his praise.
Assist me, gracious God,
My heart, my voice inspire;
Then shall I grateful join
The universal choir:
Thy grace can raise
My heart, my tongue,
And tune my song
To lively praise.
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