Saint Ambrose

Through the love of Christ the Lord,
Called with James the thunder's son,
In his revelation, John
Knew the secrets God had stored.

He was wont by catching fish
To support his father's age;
Rocking to the salt sea's rage,
Firm in faith as faith could wish.

Dropping deep his baited hook,
John upfished the living Word;
Casting limp nets overboard,
Life for all a prey he took.

What a fish is pious faith,
Which the world's salt flood doth breast!
Resting on the sacred Breast,
Spake to John the holy Wraith:

" In the beginning was the Word,
" And the Word was nigh to God;
" And the Word was God, which was
" I'the beginning with the Lord;

" Everything by him was made. "
And himself, acclaimed with praise,
By the Spirit crowned with bays,
John is crowned with what he said.

Who, by hands unholy bound,
Rudely plunged in boiling oil,
Was but cleansed of earthly soil;
Whole stood forth, with victory crowned.
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