Saint Thomas of Aquines Hymne Read on Corpus Christy Daye

Lauda Sion Salvatorem.
Praise, O Syon! praise thy Saviour,
Praise thy captayne and thy pastour,
With hymnes and solemne harmony.
What pour affordes, performe in dede; power
His worthes all prayses farre exceede,
No praise can reach His dignitye.

A speciall theme of praise is redd,
A livinge and life-givinge bredd,
Is on this day exhibited;
Which in the Supper of our Lorde,
To twelve disciples at His borde,
None doubtes but was delivered.

Lett our praise be loude and free,
Full of joye and decent glee,
With myndes' and voyces' melodye;
For now solemnize wee that daye,
Which doth with joye to us displaye
The prime use of this mistery.

At this borde of our newe Ruler
Of newe lawe, newe paschall order
The auncient rite abolisheth;
Old decrees by newe anulled,
Shadowes are in truthes fullfilled,
Day former darkenes finisheth.

That at Supper Christ performed,
To be donne He straightly charged
For His eternall memorye.
Guided by His sacred orders,
Bredd and wyne upon our alters
To saving hoast we sanctifie.

Christians are by faithe assured
That to flesh the bredd is chaunged,
The wyne to bloode most pretious:
That no witt nor sence conceiveth,
Firme and grounded faithe beleeveth,
In strange effects not curious.

Under kyndes two in appearance,
Two in shewe but one in substance,
Lye thinges beyond comparison;
Flesh is meate, bloode drinck most heavenly,
Yett is Christe in eche kynde wholye,
Most free from all division.

None that eateth Him doth chewe Him,
None that takes Him doth devide Him,
Receivd, He whole persevereth.
Be there one or thowsandes housled,
One as much as all received,
HE by no eating perisheth.

Both the good and badd receive Him,
But effectes are divers in them,
Trew life or dewe distruction.
Life to the good, death to the wicked,
Marke how both alike received
With farre unlike conclusion.

When the preiste the hoaste devideth,
Knowe that in ech parte abideth
All that the whole hoast covered.
Forme of bredd, not Christ is broken,
Not of Christ, but of His token,
Is state or stature altered.

Angells' bredd made pilgrims feedinge,
Trewly bread for childrens eatinge,
To doggs not to be offered.
Signed by Isaake on the alter,
By the lambe and paschall supper,
And in the manna figured.

Jhesu, foode and feeder of us,
Here with mercy, feed and frend us,
Then graunt in heaven felicity!
Lord of all, whome here Thou feedest,
Fellowes, heyres, guestes with Thy dearest,
Make us in heavenly companye! Amen.
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