The Saints behold with courage bold


The Saints behold with courage bold,
and thankful wonderment,
To see all those that were their foes
thus sent to punishment:
Then do they sing unto their King
a Song of endless Praise:
They praise his Name, and do proclaim
that just are all his ways.


Thus with great joy and melody
to Heav'n they all ascend,
Him there to praise with sweetest layes,
and Hymns that never end:
Where with long Rest they shall be blest,
and nought shall them annoy:
Where they shall see as seen they be,
and whom they love enjoy.


O glorious Place! where face to face
Jehovah may be seen,
By such as were sinners whilere
and no dark vail between
Where the Sun shine, and light Divine,
of Gods bright Countenance,
Doth rest upon them every one,
with sweetest influence.


O blessed state of the Penate!
O wondrous Happiness,
To which they're brought, beyond what thought
can reach, or words express!
Griefs water-course, and sorrows sourse,
are turn'd to joyful streams
Their old distress and heaviness
are vanished like dreams.


For God above in arms of love
doth dearly them embrace,
And fills their sprights with such delights,
and pleasures in his grace;
As shall not fail, nor yet grow stale
through frequency of use:
Nor do they fear Gods favour there,
to forfeit by abuse.


For there the Saints are perfect Saints,
and holy ones indeed,
From all the sin that dwelt within
their mortal bodies freed:
Made Kings and Priests to God through Christs
dear loves transcendency,
There to remain, and there to reign
with him Eternally.
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