In Search Of Him
1. Shower on HIM' the flowers of love;
Form a ring and dance and sing:
2. As vigilant as Bulbul,
With Oriole's soul,
The tree of contemplation
Has begun to bloom:
Keep on waiting,
For HIS message !
Forrn a ring and dance and sing !
3. Feelingly, BUMBUR, went (drove)
Into seclusion
Deep into the flower garden and,
Started buzzing unto HIM:
'Guon, Guon, Guon ':
Form a ring and dance and sing !
4. Gather slowly, yee girl friends,
One by one, to
Shower Petals of Bhakti
On HlM'.whom
They call Nand Lal !
From a ring and dance and sing !
5. Lured by that inner Moonlight,
He entered within !
Amrit was born in
His graceful presence:
May He offer us too
A peg of Shyam Sundara's
Divine wine !
Form a ring and dance and sing !
6. Enjoy the charm of Achcha Posh (a wild flower)
Now that SPRING is come !
Bulbul is on the move
In gardens !
Leave thorny thistle:
Ego, desire and, attachment aside
Form a ring and dance and sing !
7. He, who saw that lovely bird,
Right in his presence,
Come with a necklace of Pearls
To adhore HIM:
The VISION, unwittingly pushed off
In a moment,
A year that passes by !
Form a ring and dance and sing !
8. With the gain of Practical knowledge
Make amends, and
Take care of yourself:
Concentrate on the currents of
Understand, if life is or
Isn't transitory! '''strain
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