The Second Babel, A Pindarique Ode


Long had the Romish Flood born sway,
And o're the delug'd World
It's Rolling Arms had curl'd
The Trident of the Triple Crown
Unresisted bore all down;
Each Crowned Mountain, and Imperial Hill
Under th' insulting Conquerour lay
Like Trophies of his boundless Will.
When Lo! at last
By pitying Heaven blest
Though tost with many a dreadful blast,
The envi'd Ark of Reformation
Recovered a happy station.
And on the British Ararat did gently Rest.


The peaceful Dove, who long had mourned
Saw the proud waves retreat,
Saw them retire from their usurped Seat.
And with victorious olive to the Ark return'd:
The joyful Pris'ners then were freed,
And even the Victims did with pleasure bleed;
A golden Age did straight begin,
Religion then was One,
No different ways to Heaven were known,
Nor was obeying God and Kings a sin!
One language warm devotion spoke,
Under happy Unions Reign,
Nor was order thought a Yoak
Conscience was truly tendered then,
Both towards God and men.
Untaught to swallow camels, and at Gnats to strain.


Envy the bane of all that's good,
With Discord soon combined,
Discord the Common Enemy of Mankind;
Starting Fears, and all-Ey'd Jealousies
And needless Scruplese did arise
A second Deluge all proclaimed aloud
" Come on, said they to the affrighted Crowd
" Let us prevent this dismal flood!
" A stately Tower let us raise,
" With Heaven shall amaze,
" To save a perishing Nation
" Let's enter into Covenant, and Association,
" To build a lofty Tower of Thorough-Reformation."


Deep was the large Foundation laid
With Blood was the strong Cement made
As if the mighty pile,
Would Hell as well as Heaven invade
And the vast Chasma reconcile,
The busie Architects mov'd every Stone,
And the proud Turrets now began to rise,
Threatening to attacke the Skies,
The oppress'd Foundation gave a groan,
Under the ponderous weight
And the amazing height
The lessening Builders did confound
And made the giddy Workmens heads turn round.


When the Eternal Mind, who all this while
View'd them with a scornful smile,
And did alike deride
Their Folly and their Pride,
Their Babel-Reformation streight confounds;
No different Languages they speak,
Quarrel each other about unknown sounds:
Here Presbyter is raising Consistorian Throne,
While th'Independent tugs to pull it down;
Baptist wholly dislikes the Fashion,
E'en from the first foundation:
Quaker cries out by's light within,
'Tis built by the Man of Sin:
And streight the numerous Tribes divide,
Each takes a wandering Guide,
Dispers'd by the Almighty Power
They quit the hated Tower.
Thus fell their foolish Babel, and in vain,
Shall all the Builders strive to rear't again.
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