A Secret

If I had wit for to indite
Of my lady both fair and free,
Of her goodness then would I write.
Shall no man know her name for me,
Shall no man know her name for me.

I love her well with heart and mind;
She is right true, I do it see;
My heart to have she doth me bind.
Shall no man know her name for me.

She doth not waver as the wind;
Nor for no new me change doth she;
But alway true I do her find.
Shall no man know her name for me.

If I to her then were unkind,
Pity it were, that I should thee;
For she to me is alway kind.
Shall no man know her name for me.

Learning it were for women all
Unto their lovers true to be.
Promise I make that know none shall,
Whiles that I live, her name for me.

My heart she hath, and ever shall,
Till by death departed we be.
Hap what will hap, fall what shall fall,
Shall no man know her name for me.English
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