Section 7 -

For I am not without authority in my jeopardy, which I derive inevitably from the glory of the name of the Lord.
For I bless God whose name is Jealous — and there is a zeal to deliver us from everlasting burnings.
For my existimation is good even among the slanderers and my memory shall arise for a sweet savour unto the Lord.
For I bless the PRINCE OF PEACE and pray that all the guns may be nail'd up, save such are for the rejoicing days.
For I have abstained from the blood of the grape and that even at the Lord's table.
For I have glorified God in GREEK and LATIN , the consecrated languages spoken by the Lord on earth.
For I meditate the peace of Europe amongst family bickerings and domestic jars.
For the HOST is in the WEST — The Lord make us thankful unto salvation.
For I preach the very GOSPEL OF CHRIST without comment & with this weapon shall I slay envy.
For I bless God in the rising generation, which is on my side.
For I have translated in the charity, which makes things better & I shall be translated myself at the last.
For he that walked upon the sea hath prepared the floods with the Gospel of peace.
For the merciful man is merciful to his beast, and to the trees that give them shelter.
For he hath turned the shadow of death into the morning, the Lord is his name.
For I am come home again, but there is nobody to kill the calf or to pay the musick.
For the hour of my felicity, like the womb of Sarah, shall come at the latter end.
For I shall have avail'd myself of waggery, had not malice been multitudinous.
For there are still serpents that can speak — God bless my head, my heart & my heel.
For I bless God that I am of the same seed with Ehud, Mutius Scaevola, and Colonel Draper.
For the word of God is a sword on my side — no matter what other weapon a stick or a straw.
For I have adventured myself in the name of the Lord, and he hath mark'd me for his own.
For I bless God for the Postmaster general & all conveyancers of letters under his care especially Allen & Shelvock.
For my grounds in New Canaan shall infinitely compensate for the flats and maynes of Staindrop Moor.
For the praise of God can give to a mute fish the notes of a nightingale.
For I have seen the White Raven & Thomas Hall of Willingham & am myself a greater curiosity than both.
For I look up to heaven which is my prospect to escape envy by surmounting it.
For if Pharaoh had known Joseph, he would have blessed God & me for the illumination of the people.
For I pray God to bless improvements in gardening till London be a city of palm-trees.
For I pray to give his grace to the poor of England, that Charity be not offended & that benevolence may increase.
For in my nature I quested for beauty, but God, God hath sent me to sea for pearls.
For there is a blessing from the STONE OF JESUS which is founded upon hell to the precious jewell on the right hand of God.
For the nightly visitor is at the window of the impenitent, while I sing a psalm of my own composing.
For there is a note added to the scale, which the Lord hath made fuller, stronger & more glorious.
For I offer my goat as he browses the vine, bless the Lord from chambering & drunkeness.
For there is a traveling for the glory of God without going to Italy or France.
For I bless the children of Asher for the evil I did them & the good I might have received at their hands.
For I rejoice like a worm in the rain in him that cherishes and from him that tramples.
For I am ready for the trumpet & alarm to fight to die & to rise again.
For the banish'd of the Lord shall come about again, for so he hath prepared for them.
For sincerity is a jewel which is pure & transparent, eternal & inestimable.
For my hands and my feet are perfect as the sublimity of Naphthali and the felicity of Asher.
For the names and numbers of animals are as the names and numbers of the stars.
For I pray the Lord Jesus to translate my MAGNIFICAT into verse and represent it.
For I bless the Lord Jesus from the bottom of Royston Cave to the top of King's Chapel.
For I am a little fellow, which is entitled to the great mess by the benevolence of God my father.
For I this day made over my inheritance to my mother in consideration of her infirmities.
For I this day made over my inheritance to my mother in consideration of her age.
For I this day made over my inheritance to my mother in consideration of her poverty.
For I bless the thirteenth of August, in which I had the grace to obey the voice of Christ in my conscience.
For I bless the thirteenth of August, in which I was willing to run all hazards for the sake of the name of the Lord.
For I bless the thirteenth of August, in which I was willing to be called a fool for the sake of Christ.
For I lent my flocks and herds and my lands at once unto the Lord.
For nature is more various than observation tho' observors be innumerable.
For Agricola is Ge?????
For I pray God to bless Polly in the blessing of Naomi and asign her to the house of DAVID .
For I am in charity with the French who are my foes and Moabites because of the Moabitish woman.
For my Angel is always ready at a pinch to help me out and to keep me up.
For CHRISTOPHER must slay the Dragon with a PAEON'S head.
For they have seperated me and my bosom, whereas the right comes by setting us together.
For Silly fellow! Silly Fellow! is against me and belongeth neither to me nor my family.
For he that scorneth the scorner hath condescended to my low estate.
For Abiah is the father of Joab and Joab of all Romans and English Men.
For they pass by me in their tour, and the good Samaritan is not yet come.
For I bless God in behalf of TRINITY COLLEGE in CAMBRIDGE & the society of PURPLES in LONDON .
For I have a nephew CHRISTOPHER to whom I implore the grace of God.
For I pray God bless the CAM — Mr. Higgs & Mr. & Mrs. Washbourne as the drops of the dew.
For I pray God bless the King of Sardinia and make him an instrument of his peace.
For I am possessed of a cat, surpassing in beauty, from whom I take occasion to bless Almighty God.
For I pray God for the professors of the University of Cambridge to attend & to amend.
For the Fatherless Children and widows are never deserted of the Lord.
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