Sence course of kinde ordaynes itt to be so
Sence course of kinde ordaynes itt to be so
that strongeste steele should yeld unto the flame
and every mettall that in myne doth growe
doth want the power for to resyste the same
Then do not blame this humayne harte of myne
To yelde unto the force of flames devyne.
And since lykewise by proofe and dayly vewe
we fynde the fire to have such secret power
to trye the golde wher it be false or true
and baseste drosse from fyneste Silver scowre
Then be assured true is this harte off myne
That so is triede in flames that are devyne.
But therwithall sweete frende yow must presume
that as the fire can mettalls melte and trye
So will the force thereof each thinge Consume
that therein doth to longe a Season lye
Then save with speed the harte more yours then myne
Which els consumes amidste these flames devyne.
that strongeste steele should yeld unto the flame
and every mettall that in myne doth growe
doth want the power for to resyste the same
Then do not blame this humayne harte of myne
To yelde unto the force of flames devyne.
And since lykewise by proofe and dayly vewe
we fynde the fire to have such secret power
to trye the golde wher it be false or true
and baseste drosse from fyneste Silver scowre
Then be assured true is this harte off myne
That so is triede in flames that are devyne.
But therwithall sweete frende yow must presume
that as the fire can mettalls melte and trye
So will the force thereof each thinge Consume
that therein doth to longe a Season lye
Then save with speed the harte more yours then myne
Which els consumes amidste these flames devyne.
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