Service Is No Heritage
Be ware, squier, yeman, and page,
For servise is none heritage.
If thou serve a lord of prise,
Be not too boistous in thyn servìse;
Damme not thyn soule is none wise,
For servise is none heritage.
Winteres wether and womanes thought
And lordes love chaungeth oft;
This is the sooth, if it be sought,
For servise is none heritage.
Now thou art gret, tomorwe shal I,
As lordes chaungen here baly;
In thyn welthe werk sekerly,
For servise is none heritage.
Then serve we God in alle wise;
He shal us quiten our servìse
And yiven us yiftes most of prise—
Heven to been our heritage.
For servise is none heritage.
If thou serve a lord of prise,
Be not too boistous in thyn servìse;
Damme not thyn soule is none wise,
For servise is none heritage.
Winteres wether and womanes thought
And lordes love chaungeth oft;
This is the sooth, if it be sought,
For servise is none heritage.
Now thou art gret, tomorwe shal I,
As lordes chaungen here baly;
In thyn welthe werk sekerly,
For servise is none heritage.
Then serve we God in alle wise;
He shal us quiten our servìse
And yiven us yiftes most of prise—
Heven to been our heritage.
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