She Was Bred in Old Kentucky

1. When a lad, I stood one day by a cottage far away, And to me that day, all nature seem'd more
grand;..... For my Sue, with blushes red, had just promised we should wed, And I'd
come to ask her mother for her hand...... As I told the old, old tale, of a
love that ne'er would fail, The grayhaired mother stroked her daughter's head, And I
fancied I could trace just a tear on her kind face, As she placed my sweetheart's hand in mine and said:.....
2. Many years have pass'd away since that well remember'd day, When to that dear old Kentucky home I
came;...... And my happiness thro' life, was my sweetheart, friend and wife, For the
sunshine in her heart remained the same...... I am sitting all alone, in a
place we've long called home, For yesterday my darling passed away; Tho' in
tears, I think with joy of the day when but a boy, That I took her hand and heard her mother say:.....
She was bred in old Kentucky, Where the meadow grass is blue, There's the
sunshine of the country, in her face and manner too; She was bred in old Kentucky, Take her,
boy, you're mighty lncky, When you marry a girl like Sue.....
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