On the Shore

Blue sea, creeping up the shore,
Like a lover greeting
Timidly the maiden land,
And as quick retreating.

Sad sea, sighing on the shore,
Like that lover grieving,
As he gives a last caress,
To the land he's leaving.

Glad sea, bounding up the shore,
Like a bridegroom bringing
Jewels for the lovely land,
Jewels o'er her flinging.

Telling in her happy ear,
“Love, I love thee only,
Let me clasp thee, waiting one,
Ere I leave thee lonely;

“Green as thine, no other shore
Out beyond the billow,
Not like thine, its crimson sand,
Here shall be my pillow.”

Brave sea, rushing up the shore,
Like a warrior throwing,
Wild his arms around his bride,
Whispering, “Love, I'm going.”

Loud sea, sounding on the shore,
Mad with love's commotion,
Now I hear his footsteps go,
Far out on the ocean.

Thus I've seen thee, fickle sea,
Bold advances making,
And the broken-hearted land,
Thy caresses taking.

And I've seen the weary land
Throw thee back with scorning,
Casting off at set of day,
What she loved at dawning.

Fickle sea, and fickle land,
For each other yearning,
Ever parting on the strand,
Ever still returning.
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