Show the Way, England

Show the way, England!
We are your children,
Pass us not by; —
Full five million
Children of Canada
True as of yore: —
Blood of your blood and
Core of your core; —
Speak not the treason,
Write not the lie,
Bred of the blood of you,
We are not alien,
Pass us not by.

Show the way, England!
Not in your ignorance,
Passing your children
Over in silence,
Oblivion hurled; —
Buying the traitor,
Lauding the alien,
Will you build Empire,
Wide as the world; —
But by showing your
Children you love them,
Know them as kindred,
Blood of the one blood,
Where the wide wheelings
Of Empire are whirled.
Show the way, England!
We will follow you,
We, whose fathers were
Victors with Wellington,
Masters with Nelson,
Under the old flag
That flapped at the Nile;
We late children
Of those intrepid,
Who, scaling the vast-heights,
Won you, with Wolfe,
Canada's glorious
Mile upon mile.

They, too, our brothers,
Loyal Canadian,
Valorous, chivalrous,
Sons of Montcalm; —
They are not alien,
Speak not the lie,
They, too, for Britain
Have died and will die; —
They are not alien,
Helot, out-cast,
But blood of the old blood,
Norman of William,
Victors at Hastings,
Builders of England,
Heirs of your wonderful,
Glorious past.
Ocean or land, for you
They, too, will stand for you —
Show the way, England!
Show the way, England!
Forward to justice,
Freedom and right,
Onward to glory and
Wisdom's increase,
We will follow you,
Sons of the might of you,
Smokeward to battle
Or sunward to peace.

Show the way, England!
Not in the bright hour,
But in the dark hour,
When the world threatens,
We are your sons; —
Not for the might of you,
Shelter and right of you,
Not for the paid-coin,
Not for your guns; —
But that we love you,
Suckled at breast of you,
You are our Mother!
We are your sons!

Show the way, England!
And in the fated
Din of the battle,
Stand you alone;
Loyal Canadian,
Sons of the sons of you,
Back of the guns of you,
Bone of your bone; —
We will stand four-square,
Rock of the rock of you,
Ribs of the steel of you; —
Darkness or light,
Let the world thunder; —
Ere you go under,
We will follow you,
Might of your might!

Not of the alien,
We of old Scotland,
We of old England,
We of old Ireland,
We of old Normandy,
We are your sons; —
We are Canadian,
Helot to no one,
Freedom enfranchised
Heirs of this strand; —
We of old England,
We of old Ireland,
We of old Scotland,
We of old Normandy —
Britons, the sons of you,
Brand of your brand.

Show the way, England!
We are your children,
In peace or in battle
To conquer or die; —
We are not alien,
Speak not the insult,
Write not the lie; —
We whose fathers were
Thanes with Great Alfred,
Loyal at Runnymeade,
Norman at Hastings,
Or Scotch at Lucknow; —
Speak not the treason,
Write not the lie,
Blood of the blood of you
Leaps in reply; —
Only be true to us,
Open your heart to us,
Lead you to danger,
To glory or night; —
We will follow you,
Blood of the blood of you,
Might of your might! —
Show the way, England!

Show the way, England!
Let that grim master
Of earth's dread disaster,
Let the war shadow
But darken your sun: —
Trust your child, Canada,
She will be with you,
Shoulder to shoulder,
Gun to your gun: —
She will reply with you,
Fight for you,
Die with you.
So wide to the world,
Be the old flag unfurled!
Show the way, England!
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