The Sinner, Acknowledging Repugnant Desires in Himselfe; Desireth to Be Enabled to Performe His Good Desires
I Would be thine , and I would haue thee mine
(deare Lord) and yet I crosse mine owne desires:
For still I sinne; then, cannot I be thine;
yet faine I would with thee be still entire.
Then, I desire what my desires resist:
├┤ strange repugnance! would I thee enioy,
And yet in that , which seuers vs, persist?
then, my desires doe my desires destroy.
True ( Lord ) howeuer false this seemes to be;
it false but seemes; but, it's too true herein:
For, my poore Soule would nothing more then thee
and yet my Soule doth nothing more then sinne.
Lord help me in this strange extremitie
of crosse desires , which in my Soule are found;
My Will is bound to Sinne but would be free;
then, If it would, how should my Will be bound?
Were it my Flesh alone, desir'd to sinne
(my Soule resisting) t'were not so amisse:
Such crosse desires in thy best Saints haue bin;
but in my Soule my Sinne conceiued is.
And yet shee's barraine, gauly, and impure;
of emptinesse not emptie; and thereby
A soulelesse Soule; so, lifelesse doth endure;
yet liues in Death , because she cannot dye.
Then empt mine empty Soule; for, Sinne doth fill
with nought but vacuum her capatious thought
For, Sinne is nothing , sith thou mad'st not Ill ,
without whom nought was made: then, empt this nought .
For, tis that Law (though nought) that still rebels
against both grace and natures Gouernment;
This lawlesse Law my members still compels
to bowe as Sinnes vnrighteous Rule is bent.
Lord, I belceue; yet, help mine vnbelicfe;
and well doe will; yet better my desire :
Cure thou the Wound my Will receiu'd (in chiefe)
through Adams Fall; and make our Wils entire.
Giue me both Will and Pow'r to doe thy Will ;
and let me neither haue to crosse the same:
For, when I see my Will would thine fulfill
yet doth it not, I pine with griefe and shame .
I cannot will aright (but right resist)
without thy grace preuent my crooked will ;
And, willing well, without thy grace assist,
I cannot (for my bloud ) my will fulfill.
So, thy preuenting , and assisting grace
makes my Will worke; for, of my selfe, I am
So fraile, by nature , and so beastly base,
that my best thoghts are more then much too blame.
Then let thy Grace my wayward Will preuent;
and helpe me to performe it, so preeuented:
Yea, make my thoughts and deedes most innocent:
else, let me ioy in nought but them lamented;
Nay, make my Heart (deare Lord) so apt to waile
That it may weepe when I to weepe doe faile.
(deare Lord) and yet I crosse mine owne desires:
For still I sinne; then, cannot I be thine;
yet faine I would with thee be still entire.
Then, I desire what my desires resist:
├┤ strange repugnance! would I thee enioy,
And yet in that , which seuers vs, persist?
then, my desires doe my desires destroy.
True ( Lord ) howeuer false this seemes to be;
it false but seemes; but, it's too true herein:
For, my poore Soule would nothing more then thee
and yet my Soule doth nothing more then sinne.
Lord help me in this strange extremitie
of crosse desires , which in my Soule are found;
My Will is bound to Sinne but would be free;
then, If it would, how should my Will be bound?
Were it my Flesh alone, desir'd to sinne
(my Soule resisting) t'were not so amisse:
Such crosse desires in thy best Saints haue bin;
but in my Soule my Sinne conceiued is.
And yet shee's barraine, gauly, and impure;
of emptinesse not emptie; and thereby
A soulelesse Soule; so, lifelesse doth endure;
yet liues in Death , because she cannot dye.
Then empt mine empty Soule; for, Sinne doth fill
with nought but vacuum her capatious thought
For, Sinne is nothing , sith thou mad'st not Ill ,
without whom nought was made: then, empt this nought .
For, tis that Law (though nought) that still rebels
against both grace and natures Gouernment;
This lawlesse Law my members still compels
to bowe as Sinnes vnrighteous Rule is bent.
Lord, I belceue; yet, help mine vnbelicfe;
and well doe will; yet better my desire :
Cure thou the Wound my Will receiu'd (in chiefe)
through Adams Fall; and make our Wils entire.
Giue me both Will and Pow'r to doe thy Will ;
and let me neither haue to crosse the same:
For, when I see my Will would thine fulfill
yet doth it not, I pine with griefe and shame .
I cannot will aright (but right resist)
without thy grace preuent my crooked will ;
And, willing well, without thy grace assist,
I cannot (for my bloud ) my will fulfill.
So, thy preuenting , and assisting grace
makes my Will worke; for, of my selfe, I am
So fraile, by nature , and so beastly base,
that my best thoghts are more then much too blame.
Then let thy Grace my wayward Will preuent;
and helpe me to performe it, so preeuented:
Yea, make my thoughts and deedes most innocent:
else, let me ioy in nought but them lamented;
Nay, make my Heart (deare Lord) so apt to waile
That it may weepe when I to weepe doe faile.
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