The Sinner Refers His Will to Gods Will in All Things: Desiring Helpe for Perserverance Therein

Deare Lord , and God , true Louer of my Soule ,
in my desires , I wholy doe resigne
vnto thy blessed Will this Will of mine
To forme, reforme, direct and still controule.

And as my Soule my body moues alone,
without whose motion it would still be still:
so let thy Sp'rit still moue my soule and will .
Else, let them haue no motion of their owne.

Let me forsake myselfe for thy deare sake:
yea, truely hate myselfe for loue of thee,
and let no pleasures please or profit me,
If thou (deare Lord) at them displeasure take.

I offer vnto thee mine All , and more
(had I much more than All ) to mortifie
my senses and affections; that thereby
I may (so mortifide) liue euermore.

Myselfe I (likewise) offer to the lack
of sensible deuotion, grace , and loue ,
so it may humble me, and make me proue
Thy might the more in my sinnes vtter wracke.

I offer (too) myselfe, with prompt desire,
t' indure all losse, in name, fame, goods , and friends
all pleasure, paine , and what else flesh offends,
That by their waight , my sp'rit may mount the higher.

In summe; I offer vp myselfe aboue
myselfe, to all mischance that can befall
saue sinne alone; yet, if thy goodnesse shall
Put me in Hell , Ile brooke it for thy Loue.

And though it be impossible for Flesh
to suffer it; yet, should my Will be prest,
If thou would'st haue it so, in Hell to rest;
For Loue in quenchlesse flames can sense refresh.

Then Loue me (Lord) and still my loue enflame;
then put me where thou wilt, Ile there abide
without repining, ire , or ghostly pride ,
With Martyrs , that, in torments , laud thy Name .

But sith by reason of my Flesh (too fraile)
I cannot be so prompt these paines to brooke;
then, help me (Lord) but with a louing looke ,
And ouer Death and Hell I shall preuaile.

Looke kindly on me then (deare Lord) and so
Our Wils shall still be one in weale and woe .
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