Sketches with a Pine Straw, No. 2: The Rose-Vine in the Church Window

Come in, oh, lovely rose,
Come with thy bending crest.
Type of the branch of peace that grows
Among the blest.

Come with thy balmy breath,
Thine incense of perfume.
Come with thy green and sunny wreath
Of summer bloom.

Tell of thy lowly birth,
The soft and dallying air;
Tell of the kindly gifts of earth,
Heaven's holy care.

Tell of the wild bird's call
At morning by thy side;
Tell of the gentle dews that fall
At even-tide.

Whisper of all things fair,
Thine own unclouded days,
Tell of thy Spirit's voiceless prayer
Thy silent praise.

Though not one murmured word
May from thy bosom steal,
Save when thy bending leaves are stirred
By organ's peal.

Still in thy verdure bright
Come with thy soft repose
And still the heart shall bless thy light,
Oh, lovely rose!
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