The Skies
SCENE — The Skies .
God .
The age of matter consummates itself.
All things that are shall end, save that is mine.
As with one world, so shall it be with all;
For all are human, fallible, and false, —
As creature towards Creator must be aye.
But for the whole prepare ye, not the less
Grade upon grade of glory, sons of God!
And Earth shall live again, and like her sons
Have resurrection to a brighter being:
And waken like a bride, or like a morning,
With a long blush of love to a new life.
Another race of souls shall rule in her,
Creatures all loving, beautiful, and holy.
Go, angel! guide her as before through Heaven.
A NGEL OF E ARTH . On! on! my world again!
Away we fly
Through Heaven's blue plain,
Like thought through the eye.
Ye angels, keep your Heaven!
I, Earth!
For that with God I have striven,
And have prevailed.
I come once more,
I come to thee, Earth!
Like a ship to shore.
L UCIFER . Have not I triumphed o'er the earth that was?
God .
Prince of the powers of air! thy doom is nigh.
The prison place of spirits is for thee —
As for all others thou hast wronged, for a time —
But those who by my favor die not. Him
Conduct, ye angels, into Hades; there
To wait my will while the world's sabbath lasts.
God .
The age of matter consummates itself.
All things that are shall end, save that is mine.
As with one world, so shall it be with all;
For all are human, fallible, and false, —
As creature towards Creator must be aye.
But for the whole prepare ye, not the less
Grade upon grade of glory, sons of God!
And Earth shall live again, and like her sons
Have resurrection to a brighter being:
And waken like a bride, or like a morning,
With a long blush of love to a new life.
Another race of souls shall rule in her,
Creatures all loving, beautiful, and holy.
Go, angel! guide her as before through Heaven.
A NGEL OF E ARTH . On! on! my world again!
Away we fly
Through Heaven's blue plain,
Like thought through the eye.
Ye angels, keep your Heaven!
I, Earth!
For that with God I have striven,
And have prevailed.
I come once more,
I come to thee, Earth!
Like a ship to shore.
L UCIFER . Have not I triumphed o'er the earth that was?
God .
Prince of the powers of air! thy doom is nigh.
The prison place of spirits is for thee —
As for all others thou hast wronged, for a time —
But those who by my favor die not. Him
Conduct, ye angels, into Hades; there
To wait my will while the world's sabbath lasts.
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