Solomon's Song of Songs - Chapter 3, Part 2

The Friends of the bridegroom .
Who's this that from the desart comes,
Exspiring aromatick gums,
Sweet as the altar's fumes, that rise
In pillars to propitious skies?
Such sacred odors flow from her,
Perfum'd with frankincense and myrrh;
And all rich pouders of the store
The merchant brings from th' eastern shore.
Behold great Solomon's bed of state,
Where threescore mighty champions wait:
All other champions these excel,
That head the tribes of Israel;
All vers'd in arms, know how to wield
The warlike sword, and warlike shield;
Each on his thigh his weapon bears,
To guard the court from nightly fears.
The chariot of king Solomon
Was made of wood from Lebanon:
The pillars silver finely wrought,
The bottom gold from Ophir brought,
With Tyrian purple lin'd above,
The middle pav'd with mystick love
For th' daughters of Jerusalem,
(The offspring of a noble stem.)
Come, Sion's daughters, bright and fair,
Like that blest stock that did you bear;
See how king Solomon appears,
How bright the diadem he wears!
Crown'd by his mother's royal hand,
This smiling day the nuptial band
Him to his lovely bride has join'd,
And tides of joy o'erflow his mind.
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