To Somerset -

All lest Good , That but onely aymes at Great ,
I know (best Earle ) may boldly make retreat
To your Retreat , from this Worlds open Ill .
Of Goodnesse therefore, The Prime part (the Will )
Enflam'd my Pow'rs , to celebrate as farre
As their force reacht, This Thunderbolt of Warre .
His wisht Good , and the true Note of his Worth ,
(Yet neuer, to his full Desert , set forth)
Being Root , and Top , to this his Plant of Fame ,
Which cannot furnish with an Anagram
Of iust Offence , and Desire to wrest
All the free Letters here; by such a Test
To any Blame: for equall Heauen auert,
It should returne Reproach , to prayse Desert;
How haplesse, and peruerse, soeuer bee
The Enuies , and Infortunes following Mee:
Whose true, and simple-onely-ayme at Merit ,
Makes your acceptiue, and still-bettering Spirit
My Wane view, as at Full still; and sustaine
A Life , that other subtler Lords disdaine:
Being Suttlers more, to Braggart-written Men ,
(Though still deceiu'd) then any truest Pen .
Yet Hee's as wise, that to Impostors giues,
As Children , that hang Counters on their sleeues:
Or (to pare all his Wisdome to the Quick )
That, for th' Elixar , hugges the Dust of Brick .
Goe then your owne Way still; and God with you
Will goe, till his state all your steppes auow.
The World still in such impious Error strayes,
That all wayes fearefull are, but Pious wayes.
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