Sonet 2 -
Sonet 2.
Wonder it is and pitie tis that she
In whome all beauties treasure we may find
That may enrich the bodie or the mynd
Towards the poore should vse no charitie.
My loue is gone a begging vnto thee
And if that beautie had not been more kind
Then pitye longe ere this he had been pin'd
But beautie is content his food to be.
O pitye haue when such yonge orphans beg
Loue naked boy hath nothing on his backe
And though he wanteth neyther arme nor leg
Yet maym'd he is for he his sight doth lacke
And yet though blind he beautie can behold
And yet though nak'd he feeles more heate then cold.
Wonder it is and pitie tis that she
In whome all beauties treasure we may find
That may enrich the bodie or the mynd
Towards the poore should vse no charitie.
My loue is gone a begging vnto thee
And if that beautie had not been more kind
Then pitye longe ere this he had been pin'd
But beautie is content his food to be.
O pitye haue when such yonge orphans beg
Loue naked boy hath nothing on his backe
And though he wanteth neyther arme nor leg
Yet maym'd he is for he his sight doth lacke
And yet though blind he beautie can behold
And yet though nak'd he feeles more heate then cold.
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