Sonet 5 -
Sonet 5.
Myne eye with all the deadlie sinnes is fraught
First proud sith it presum'd to looke so hye
A watchman being made stood gazing by
And idle tooke no heed till I was caught
And enviouse beares envie that my thought
Should in his absence be to her so nye
To kill my heart myne eye let in her eye
And so was accessarie to a murder wrought.
And couetouse it neuer would remoue
From her fayre hayre, gold so doth please his sight
A glutton eye with teares drunke euery night
Vnchast, a baude between my hearte and loue
These sins procured haue a goddesse ire
Wherefore my heart is damn'd in loues sweet fire.
Myne eye with all the deadlie sinnes is fraught
First proud sith it presum'd to looke so hye
A watchman being made stood gazing by
And idle tooke no heed till I was caught
And enviouse beares envie that my thought
Should in his absence be to her so nye
To kill my heart myne eye let in her eye
And so was accessarie to a murder wrought.
And couetouse it neuer would remoue
From her fayre hayre, gold so doth please his sight
A glutton eye with teares drunke euery night
Vnchast, a baude between my hearte and loue
These sins procured haue a goddesse ire
Wherefore my heart is damn'd in loues sweet fire.
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