Song 1
Sweet lett mee injoye thy sight
More cleere, more bright then morning sunn,
Which in spring time gives delight
And by which sommers pride is wunn;
Present sight doth pleasures move
Which in sad absence wee must miss,
Butt when mett againe in love
Then twise redoubled is our bliss,
Yett this comfort absence gives,
And only faithfull loving tries
That though parted, loves force lives
As just in hart as in our eyes,
Butt such comfort bannish quite
Farr sweeter is itt still to finde
Favour in thy loved sight
Which present smiles with joyes combind
Eyes of gladnes, lips of love,
And harts from passion nott to turne,
Butt in sweet affections move
In flames of faith to live, and burne,
Deerest then this kindnes give,
And grant mee lyfe which is your sight
Wherin I more blessed live
Then graced with the sunns faire light.
More cleere, more bright then morning sunn,
Which in spring time gives delight
And by which sommers pride is wunn;
Present sight doth pleasures move
Which in sad absence wee must miss,
Butt when mett againe in love
Then twise redoubled is our bliss,
Yett this comfort absence gives,
And only faithfull loving tries
That though parted, loves force lives
As just in hart as in our eyes,
Butt such comfort bannish quite
Farr sweeter is itt still to finde
Favour in thy loved sight
Which present smiles with joyes combind
Eyes of gladnes, lips of love,
And harts from passion nott to turne,
Butt in sweet affections move
In flames of faith to live, and burne,
Deerest then this kindnes give,
And grant mee lyfe which is your sight
Wherin I more blessed live
Then graced with the sunns faire light.
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