Song 4
Lovers learne to speake butt truthe
Sweare nott, and your othes forgoe,
Give your age a constant youth
Vowe noe more then what you'll doe.
Thinke itt sacrilidg to breake
What you promise shall in love,
And in teares what you doe speake
Forgett nott when the ends you prove;
Doe nott think itt glory is
To intisce, and then deseave,
Your chiefe honors ly in this
By worth what wunn is, nott to leave;
'T'is nott for your fame to try
What wee weake nott oft refuse
In owr bownty owr faults ly
When you to doe a fault will chuse;
Fy, leave this, a greater gaine
'T'is to keepe when you have wunn
Then what purchaced is with paine
Soone after in all scorne to shun;
For if worthles to bee priz'd
Why att first will you itt move,
And if worthy, why dispis'd
You can nott sweare, and ly, and love,
Love (alas) you can nott like
'T'is butt, for a fashion mov'd
Non can chuse, and then dislike
Unles itt bee by faulshood prov'd.
Butt your choice is, and your love
How most number to deseave,
As if honors claime did move
Like Popish lawe, non safe to leave;
Fly this folly, and returne
Unto truth in love, and try,
None butt Martirs hapy burne
More shamefull ends they have that lye.
Sweare nott, and your othes forgoe,
Give your age a constant youth
Vowe noe more then what you'll doe.
Thinke itt sacrilidg to breake
What you promise shall in love,
And in teares what you doe speake
Forgett nott when the ends you prove;
Doe nott think itt glory is
To intisce, and then deseave,
Your chiefe honors ly in this
By worth what wunn is, nott to leave;
'T'is nott for your fame to try
What wee weake nott oft refuse
In owr bownty owr faults ly
When you to doe a fault will chuse;
Fy, leave this, a greater gaine
'T'is to keepe when you have wunn
Then what purchaced is with paine
Soone after in all scorne to shun;
For if worthles to bee priz'd
Why att first will you itt move,
And if worthy, why dispis'd
You can nott sweare, and ly, and love,
Love (alas) you can nott like
'T'is butt, for a fashion mov'd
Non can chuse, and then dislike
Unles itt bee by faulshood prov'd.
Butt your choice is, and your love
How most number to deseave,
As if honors claime did move
Like Popish lawe, non safe to leave;
Fly this folly, and returne
Unto truth in love, and try,
None butt Martirs hapy burne
More shamefull ends they have that lye.
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