Ah! what can mean that eager Joy
Transports my Heart when you appear?
Ah Strephon! you my Thoughts imploy
In all that's Charming, all that's Dear.
When you your pleasing Story tell,
A Softness does invade each Part,
And I with Blushes own I feel
Something too tender at my Heart.
At your approach my Blushes rise,
And I at once both wish and fear;
My wounded Soul mounts to my Eyes,
As it would prattle Stories there.
Take, take that Heart that needs must go;
But, Shepherd , see it kindly us'd:
For who such Presents will bestow,
If this, alas! should be abus'd?
Ah! what can mean that eager Joy
Transports my Heart when you appear?
Ah Strephon! you my Thoughts imploy
In all that's Charming, all that's Dear.
When you your pleasing Story tell,
A Softness does invade each Part,
And I with Blushes own I feel
Something too tender at my Heart.
At your approach my Blushes rise,
And I at once both wish and fear;
My wounded Soul mounts to my Eyes,
As it would prattle Stories there.
Take, take that Heart that needs must go;
But, Shepherd , see it kindly us'd:
For who such Presents will bestow,
If this, alas! should be abus'd?
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