A Song


L AURETTA is fair as the morning of May;
No nymph of the village more sprightly and gay;
The roses all bloom in the check of the maid,
And the snowdrop itself's in her bosom display'd.
Young Zelia is prais'd, by the nymphs, for her song,
Helenissa for dancing amongst the gay throng;
Eliza for taste is admir'd by the swains,
For complexion Aminta's the pride of the plains;
But charms more divine in Lauretta we see,
Her heart from ill-nature and pride is so free:
For, though each has her charms to enslave the proud breast,
Yet Lauretta alone's of true sweetness possest.
So lovely her air, and so gentle her mien,
That the shepherds declare her of Beauty the Queen;
For, Pallas and Venus their graces combin'd,
To make her complete both in person and mind!
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