The Song of the Africanders

A FRICANDERS , fellow-burghers,
 Loyal be to Volk and Taal ;
To yourselves, to one another,
 From the Cape unto the Vaal!
From the Orange to Zambesi,
 In Natal and in Transvaal,
Africanders, fellow-burghers,
 Loyal be to Volk and Taal!

Africander mothers, daughters,
 Africanders' sun and plain,
Famous are the wide world over,
 Song and story know their name.
They inspire us with a hope that
 Higher, nobler is than gain;
Africander mothers, daughters,
 Africanders' sun and plain.

Union, Freedom, Right and Love
 In our well-loved Fatherland,
For that strive we, for that suffer
 All together, hand in hand.

Union, Freedom, Right and Love—
 These of bliss the surest band—
Union, Freedom, Right and Love
 In our well-loved Fatherland.
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