A Song Of Hope

Not in those eyes, too kind for truth,
Which dare not note how beauties wane;
Nor in that crueller joy of youth
Which turns from sorrow with disdain;
No--no--not there,
Abides the hope that answers our despair.

Lie where they hid thy dead away.
Knock on that unrelenting door;
Then break, O desolate heart, and say
Farewell, farewell, for evermore ...
There, only there,
Abides the hope that conquers all despair.

The silence that refused to bless
Till grief had turned the heart to stone ...
What soul compact of nothingness
Could hear so fierce a trumpet blown?
Then hear, O hear,
The dreadful hope that equals all despair.

There, till the deep atoning Might
Shall answer all that each can pray,
The very boundlessness of night
Proclaims--and waits--an equal day.
There, only there,
--But O, sing low, sweet strings, lest hope take wing!--
Abides the hope that answers all despair.
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