Song To The Lily Of The Valley

Lily of the valley, this brief poetic sally
At the very least is due unto thee.
Thy fragrant wax-like flowers all freshened by Spring showers
Seem purity embodied unto me.
Lily of the valley blooming near the alley
Of the little garden close to my home!

Lily of the valley, I fain would gladly rally
All the powers of sweet Fancy to my aid
To describe thy form retiring, which I cannot help admiring
As it peeps from its broad, leafy shade.
Lily of the valley, etc.

Lily of the valley, thou very well dost tally
With my notion of a modest, gentle maid.
Thy delicate bell-cluster may lack in grandeur's lustre,
Yet thou in true beauty art arrayed.
Lily of the valley, etc.

Lily of the valley, Sol scarce with thee dare dally;
He plants no rose-blushes on thy cheek,
Yet indebted to his power art thou from hour to hour,
And his beams play with thee hide and seek.
Lily of the valley, etc.

Lily of the valley, deem not my rhyming folly,
For I love both thy form and thy scent;
And this is chiefly true as thou kissest in the dew,
While thy head in pure modesty is bent.
Lily of the valley, etc.

Lily of the valley, bloom near my garden alley,
And shed forth thy fragrancy around;
I'll think as thou art growing of the lessons thou art showing
To me when in musing I am found.
Lily of the valley blooming near the alley
Of the little garden close to my home.

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