Song to Lord Glenorchy

An account I rejoice to recite
of the spirited, splendid scion,
gallant, blithesome, beloved,
kind, modest, urbane —
who had made every royalist move
with justice and honesty,
from the start of this strife that hath come,
from the start, etc.

In many a place thou art famous
outwith the domain of thy clansmen;
thou hast stood, bold and fearless,
without weakness or yielding,
with unflinching devotion,
in thy chosen position,
where from the first thou pledgedst thy friendship,
where from the first, etc.

In time of disturbance or conflict,
thou wast intrepid and manly —
a trait thou didst derive from thy grandsire,
who won the victory in Caithness,
at the time he acquired the estate;
the men of the north gave up the ghost,
after being routed and cut up in the battle,
after being routed, etc.

They were able, dauntless warriors,
who greatly availed in the conflict,
and would not surrender in panic;
they secured accord by destruction,
and 'twas no unjust course they pursued:
thou hast much need to be competent,
for thou holdest the post of heroes,
for thou holdest, etc.

Thou art a prince of clan captains,
an excellent master of henchmen;
in the forefront of strife or contending
thou art the dauntless commander
who wilt make no request for parley;
with thy keen, pointed blades,
loss and rout would be suffered by foemen,
loss and rout, etc.

Thine own great clan will be with thee,
in every peril thou incurrest;
men of bloodshed they are, and efficient
in dealing of blows and trouncings;
there's many a warrior in his armour,
who would be ready to rise
when thou wouldst proclaim a fiery cross,
when thou wouldst, etc.

There's many a friend round thee
between Taymouth and Cruachan,
who would wish thee to triumph
by power of fire and of bullet,
and of thin, sharp, hard blades,
and would go with thee to wield them,
when thou wouldst raise ensign aloft,
when thou wouldst, etc.

And when, over men in the field,
thy banner would be unfurled,
against a slender, straight, dressed pole,
then the clanking of riders was heard,
all in the gayest commotion —
the chieftains and the doughty men,
by whose onset the day would be gained,
by whose onset, etc.

Puissant, haughty, high-minded,
manly, masterful, clever,
thou art a proud rider of tall steeds,
of mighty snort and good training;
Lowland style thou dost amply display:
on clustering locks, the prettiest in Gaeldom,
a hat of gold-braided brim suiteth thee well,
a hat of gold-braided, etc.

With a countenance meek and kindly,
serene and tender as maiden's,
thou art bold, imperious like a soldier;
thy heart is transparent and guileless,
in a bosom purer than diamond;
thy whole spirit is radiant,
like a kind sun gleaming over horizon,
like a kind sun, etc.

Thou art affable, courteous, manly,
with a full, blue, charming eye,
and slender, delicate eyebrow,
a ruddy and pretty cheek,
demure and fine-lipped mouth,
skin soft-white, like mountain down:
there is none hath surpassed thee in beauty,
there is none, etc.

In every affair thou hast won distinction,
for thou wast fit to sustain it;
what time the Court held a session,
at which numerous dukes were present,
thine was the magnificent office
of placing the crown on the king,
who had right of inheritance there,
who had right, etc.

True courtier of comely presence
who wast famous in every sphere,
who hast acquired in England
a knowledge of matters of pleading;
'tis thy intellect was discerning;
the country is full of rejoicing
since thou hast come home amid greetings,
since thou hast, etc.

Hard drinker of wine thou art,
thou wouldst quaff and settle the score;
thou wast taught the lore of each kingdom,
thine the fingers that write the fairest;
a hunter of game wast thou,
with thy slim, straight gun, when thou
didst chance to be in the forest of high peaks,
didst chance, etc.

What time thou didst make an excursion
to the ben on which there is hunting,
thou didst love the jovial party;
the tinkle of measure on horn,
the fusil, gun of thy choice,
the baying cry of the deerhound,
as he went a-chasing the antlered one
as he went, etc.

When thou didst set fire to the powder,
with the gun that never misfired,
then would the dark-blue bullets,
driven by fire in their course,
bear on the hind of the crag top,
and maimed her quarters would be;
and thy lads from the moor would carry her,
and thy lads, etc.

When the descent to thy homestead
was made at nightfall with clatter,
there was revelry in the hall —
that festive Tower of Taymouth;
thou wast bent on great entertainment,
expert would be minstrels' performance
as they sang all thy favourite melodies,
as they sang, etc.

As the sun was declining,
when the skies became dusky,
cheer and joy would be found
in the bright house of bounty,
and diverse music, the sweetest to list to,
each in tune with the other —
the fiddle, the " strings," and the harp,
the fiddle, etc.

On rising of a bright morning,
one received a similar favour;
the pipe is on view being goaded,
bare chanters in process of tuning,
brown drones playing bass for them —
exquisite music most rhythmic,
ever speeding the feast in thy mansion,
ever speeding, etc.

'Tis the trumpet and organ
had the clear undertones and rumble;
when each taper finger was bared,
and its touch on the key was not heavy,
note-perfect the murmurous music,
so tuneful and stately,
in his lordship's household at pastime,
in his lordship's, etc.

A princely, palatial hall
in which there was bounty with good-will:
guests would be found there a-thronging,
drawn from the elite of the kingdom;
consumption of wine in progress,
whisky in silver goblets,
while they constantly gulp down the toasts,
while they, etc.

On this wise thou didst love to see it:
to be lavish, as was thy practice,
worthy, loveable, stintless;
gentility, splendour and style;
gold in profusion being scattered;
strenuous gaming proceeding,
at dice, at cards and backgammon,
at dice, etc.

'Twas a custom not strange to thy household
to be mirthful and festive,
with music and gaiety nightly,
and chamber blazing with candles;
thou art styled of Glenorchy,
and thou art the heir to Taymouth:
joyous be thy tenure thereof,
joyous be, etc.
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