A Song of Pork

To-day, as oft in former years,
A porker have we slain,
Weak Jews are they and over-nice
Who meat like this disdain.
Hurrah for swine, both small and great,
In tame, or else in savage state,
The white ones and the brown!

Then tarry not, my trusty friends,
The sausages to eat;
And let the flagon fast go round
To crown the savoury treat.
They rime so neatly — Wine and Swine —
They fit so closely — Wurst and Thirst —
We needs must drink with Wurst .

Then there's our noble Sauer-kraut ,
(To pass it by's unmeet),
Invented by some German brain
For German mouths to eat.
When meat so soft, so white as this
Lies in the Kraut , a picture 'tis
Of Venus rose-embowered!

And when by fair white hands therein
The fair white meat is placed,
'Tis this that makes a German's heart
Of happiness to taste.
Young Love draws near and laughs, y-wis,
And thinks, whoe'er would snatch a kiss,
Hath but to wipe his mouth!

Let none reproach me now, good friends,
That I of porkers sing;
For oft some mighty thought depends
On some most trivial thing.
Right well that saying old ye know,
That here or there, as luck may shew,
" A pig may find a pearl. "
Author of original: 
Ludwig Uhland
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