A Song Sung at the Public Dinner Given to Sir W. W. Wynn

W HATE'ER can swell the patriot breast,
Or bid the Hero's heart rejoice,
We bring — his country's high behest,
His bright reward — her grateful voice.


With pride we meet — devote this day
To Wynn, his country's friend and stay.
Rule Britannia, &c.

His Sires we find in firm array,
(And time the regal record brings)
Firm in Cambria's doubtful day.
And o'er her spread their eagle wings.
With pride, &c.

Again in Favor's fostering hour,
They joined the bold, the faithfulband,
That check'd th' encroaching plan of Power,
The Guardians of their native land.
With pride, &c.

May Heaven long grant this leading race,
From Mona's chieftain great and sage,
Thy roofs, Rhiwabon, long to grace,
To bless — as erst — each future age.
With pride, &c.

We see him, like a Prince, preside,
His breast with Britain's welfare glow,
The powers of Emulation guide,
" 'Tis Reason's feast — the Soul's gay flow. "
With pride, &c.

Bid Science aid the sons of Toil,
With chaplets deck the honor'd choice;
Bid plenty laugh on Culture's soil;
" The hills exult, the vales rejoice. "
With pride, &c.

His worth the milder Virtues sung
In Charity — St. David's dome;
The ardent choral triumph rung —
His grateful country's " welcome home. "
With pride, &c.

The Orphan's praise, the Widow's prayers,
Is Virtue's high and hallow'd treat;
Its heaven — the soul ascending shares,
It soars when man is good and great.
With pride, &c.

The Brave, that glory bade to burn,
From hostile fields and Britain's foes,
Shall now to tranquil scenes return,
On Cambria's parent breast repose,
With pride, &c.

Whate'er can swell the patriot heart,
Or bid the hero's breast rejoice,
We bring — to crown their high desert,
Their honor'd country's cheering voice,
With pride, &c.
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