Song, A: To the Tune of Blue Cappe for Me

To the Tune of Blue Cappe for me .

L E t Scots now return at Lesleys demand,
How all the Affairs in the North-part do stand,
And tell him the Parliament is fully agreed
To send him good stores of Money with speed,
?To serve their occasions: thus say, they shall find
?For to come to passe, when the Devil is blind.
Let all their Brethren be new circumcis'd,
And Burton and——for Saints canonis'd;
And at the Sacrament sit for their ease,
And pray unto God, even just when they please;
?The Scots in despite shall please their own mind,
?And do what they please, when the Devil is blind.
Next they will have in each City and Town
All painted Glasse-windows to be pull'd down;
One Bell in a Church to call them away,
It's enough when the Spirit doth move them to pray,
?Without any Surplice or Tippet behind
?The Priest shall say Service, when the Devil is blind.
Lastly, the Parliament in any case
Will down with all Organs, for Piping is base;
No cringing below the Altar shall be,
For that is a Trick of Idolatry:
?Now tell me good Scots; are not English-men kind,
?But when this comes to passe, say the Devil is blind.
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