The Song Which Was Deliver'd by Old Time to Mrs. Midnight

To be sung to the tune of the Roast Beef of Old England .

If virtue's in vogue, and if honesty thrives,
Then all our true Britons will get themselves wives;
So they'll die glorious deaths, as they liv'd sober lives.
Oh the dear dames of Old England! and oh the Old English dear dames!

Our damsels created love's soft war to wage,
With charms and accomplishments challenge the age;
And he's a rank coward that dares not engage.
Oh the dear dames, &c. &c.

A batchelor lives in fair Nature's despight,
He cumbers the earth without use or delight,
And cheats Dame Posterity out of her right
Oh the dear dames &c. &c.

But those who are married, wise Nature obey,
And comfort each other by night and by day,
While round them their little ones prattle and play.
Oh the dear dames, &c. &c.

Then come lads and lasses of ev'ry degree,
Observe and attend to Dame M IDNIGHT'S decree;
All wed and make work for the parson and me.
Oh the dear dames, &c. &c.
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