Sonnet 16

Sleepe fy possess mee nott, nor doe nott fright
Mee with thy heavy, and thy deathlike might
For counterfetting's vilder then deaths sight,
And such deluding more my thoughts doe spite.

Thou suff'rest faulsest shapes my soule t'affright
Some times in liknes of a hopefull spright,
And oft times like my love as in dispite
Joying thou canst with mallice kill delight,

When I (a poore foole made by thee) think joy
Doth flow, when thy fond shadows doe destroy
My that while senceles self, left free to thee,

Butt now doe well, lett mee for ever sleepe,
And soe for ever that deare Image keepe,
Or still wake, that my sences may bee free.
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