The sunne is faire when hee with crimson crowne,
And flaming rubies, leaues his easterne bed;
Faire is Thaumantias in her christall gowne,
When clouds engemm'd hang azure, greene, and red:
To westerne worlds when wearied day goes downe,
And from Heauen's windowes each starre showes her head,
Earth's silent daughter, night, is faire, though browne;
Faire is the moone, though in loue's liuerie cled;
Faire Chloris is when shee doth paint Aprile,
Faire are the meads, the woods, the flouds are faire;
Faire looketh Ceres with her yellow haire,
And apples' queene when rose-cheekt shee doth smile.
That heauen, and earth, and seas are faire is true,
Yet true that all not please so much as you.
And flaming rubies, leaues his easterne bed;
Faire is Thaumantias in her christall gowne,
When clouds engemm'd hang azure, greene, and red:
To westerne worlds when wearied day goes downe,
And from Heauen's windowes each starre showes her head,
Earth's silent daughter, night, is faire, though browne;
Faire is the moone, though in loue's liuerie cled;
Faire Chloris is when shee doth paint Aprile,
Faire are the meads, the woods, the flouds are faire;
Faire looketh Ceres with her yellow haire,
And apples' queene when rose-cheekt shee doth smile.
That heauen, and earth, and seas are faire is true,
Yet true that all not please so much as you.
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