Sonnet to a Bedroom

Always my ladye's room though even he
Sleep there at tymes my ladye's room it be
Biggebellyed hyghebrested the forlovious
Bedde billowyy and pillowyy the lace
Sylke and scente warm heavye as a Jewess
Glasse flashyng the returne of her flushed face
Bare from the dympled belly gartered knee
Her unlaced brestees burstyng rype and free

Cheerfulle and warme the sun enters this room
Lyke a fatte byshoppe butte the moon is a suave
Lover untruthfull coldlypped smellyng offe
Drye unblessed ecclesyastycal perfume
Only a man could seize this vespernude
And dreme the moon into a bolder moode
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