Sonnet to my Dere Deare Ladyes
Why didde I nott tell thee of thy beautye
Whenn my love was shye andde hydden in my brest
Ohe dresse my speeches gaylike and gyve a
Costume Balle dere ladyes dere deare ladyes
Silence nott speeche caused my fall Ohe pardon
Thy lover who adored thee Kathaleene andde thy waiste
Thine eyes thy haire thy handes thine eares thy nose.
Butte alltimes Ohe Kathaleene he didde the same
With Elizabethe andde Anne Dorotthye and
They were juste as plumpe and tyghte and neatlaced
As thou butte Ohe dere ladye hear thou me
This dumbe cocke roosted notte withe hens or crowes
Butte trooped a-masterly the dere deare ladyes.
Whenn my love was shye andde hydden in my brest
Ohe dresse my speeches gaylike and gyve a
Costume Balle dere ladyes dere deare ladyes
Silence nott speeche caused my fall Ohe pardon
Thy lover who adored thee Kathaleene andde thy waiste
Thine eyes thy haire thy handes thine eares thy nose.
Butte alltimes Ohe Kathaleene he didde the same
With Elizabethe andde Anne Dorotthye and
They were juste as plumpe and tyghte and neatlaced
As thou butte Ohe dere ladye hear thou me
This dumbe cocke roosted notte withe hens or crowes
Butte trooped a-masterly the dere deare ladyes.
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