Sonnets from a Lock Box - Part of 27
On what new coin does the Golden Ring
Settle in splendor as on the glittering rod
Which is the invisible finger of the god?
What priestly rite presents the sacred thing?
I hear the stellar harmonies of stocks
With churchly music climb up and down the scales.
The wedding hour is struck by golden clocks.
The Bride approaches in her silvery veils.
Now moves the Line with ceremonials high
With geometric passion and with pride!
Now with sidereal splendor in the sky
The Ancient Lover honoreth the Bride;
And moving with Godlike power from afar
Confers the Ring upon the Lesser Star.
Settle in splendor as on the glittering rod
Which is the invisible finger of the god?
What priestly rite presents the sacred thing?
I hear the stellar harmonies of stocks
With churchly music climb up and down the scales.
The wedding hour is struck by golden clocks.
The Bride approaches in her silvery veils.
Now moves the Line with ceremonials high
With geometric passion and with pride!
Now with sidereal splendor in the sky
The Ancient Lover honoreth the Bride;
And moving with Godlike power from afar
Confers the Ring upon the Lesser Star.
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