Sonnets to a Red-Haired Lady - Part 1

Comet , shake out your locks and let them flare
Across the startled heaven of my soul!
Pluck out the hairpins, Sue, and let her roll!
Don't be so stingy with your blooming hair,
But let the whole created cosmos share
The glory of its colour, flashed and swirled
Like nets of sunset flung to mesh a world. . . .
Don't wear it in a little wad up there!

And yet, Suzanne, my comet and my star,
At times restrain those locks a little, too. . . .
My First Wife let her hair go quite too far
In culinary ways. I beaned her, Sue. . . .
She looked so wistful as she passed away.
That dear, lost woman, Sue! Ah, welladay!
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