Sonnets to a Red-Haired Lady - Part 6

MY Torchlight D AME ! My Frail Incomparable!
My sunset Afterglow! My Aureole!
Does your head symbolize your ardent soul?
Then must your spirit sting its earthly shell
As hot as pepper-sauce that's served in hell!
Shake out those billowy flames and let 'em roll
Across the world until the very Pole
Melts into love and steams beneath their spell!

My Sixth Wife, Sue, would fuss with herpicide;
I loathe the odor; in the kindliest way
I choked her; she forgave me as she died. . . .
How these old memories throng! Ah, welladay!
I do not wish to cloud our love with gloom,
But, Sue, avoid all unguents and perfume.
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