Sonnets to a Red-Haired Lady - Part 7

I SAW some bright flowers swaying in the park
And thought how like their life your red locks blow. . . .
My Flame! My Sunrise and mine Afterglow!
My genial Hearthfire blazing through the dark!
My Gaudy Kid! Upon life's headlands, stark
And bleak, over the treacherous tides that flow,
A beacon light your Fiery Bean doth throw. . . .
I steer by you and save my giddy bark.
How I should hate it, Lighthouse tall and slim,
If you should cut your hair and dim your fire!
My Seventh Wife did that; she doused her glim,
And dousing it, she damped my soul's desire —
I took a brick and shaved the rest away,
But still her memory stirs me. . . . Welladay!
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