How gravelye wise was that Senatours counsaile
who fearinge leaste Idlenes a foe to Courage
Woolde breede unfitt people for warr and travayle
advysede nott to rase the walles off Carthage
Hee tymelye foresawe the pride of Romayne youth
who wantinge the exercyse off forrayne warres
Impatient throughe pleasure and pamperinge slouth
woulde breake forth at laste to strife and cyvell Jarrs
So fares itt ofte in an ydle natione
as in a Bodye where humors do abownde
For lyke a disease engendreth ambytion
which error (oh Rome) did the and thyn confownd
When thon woolde no peare, thother no Superioure
Raisinge debate, twixte great Pompey and Caesar.
who fearinge leaste Idlenes a foe to Courage
Woolde breede unfitt people for warr and travayle
advysede nott to rase the walles off Carthage
Hee tymelye foresawe the pride of Romayne youth
who wantinge the exercyse off forrayne warres
Impatient throughe pleasure and pamperinge slouth
woulde breake forth at laste to strife and cyvell Jarrs
So fares itt ofte in an ydle natione
as in a Bodye where humors do abownde
For lyke a disease engendreth ambytion
which error (oh Rome) did the and thyn confownd
When thon woolde no peare, thother no Superioure
Raisinge debate, twixte great Pompey and Caesar.
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