The Soul releas'd by Death


Active Spark of heav'nly Fire,
In a Clod of Earth confin'd,
Ever fluttering to aspire
To the Great P ATERNAL M IND ;
Strugling still with upward Aim
To mingle with thy native Flame!
Death soon will break this Pris'n of Clay,
And give thee Leave to spring away;
Then to thy native Regions go,
There with th' Etherial Flames to glow.


Come, thou shining Hour, appear!
Happy Moment, Oh draw near! — —
'Tis come! — I feel the purple Stream
Stagnate; in misty Darkness swim
My dizzy Eyes confus'd and dim;
Bedew'd with cold and clammy Sweat;
The dancing Pulses cease to beat;
In vain I gasp for Breath — —
Strange! Can this be Death?


Hark! Th' Angelic Envoy say,
" Sister Spirit, come away,
" Drop the Cumber of the Clay,
" And with thy Kindred join " — —
Angels, I come; conduct me on:
Instruct me in a World unknown,
In Mysteries Divine:
Instruct me unexperienc'd Stranger how
To act as the Immortals do;
To think, and speak, and move like you:
Teach me the Senses to supply,
To see without the Optics of an Eye;
The Music of your Songs to hear
Without the Organ of an Ear.


Yes! now Blest Angels, now I find
The Pow'rs of an unfetter'd Mind!
How active and how Strange!
O happy Place! O blissful State!
Welcome Felicity compleat!
Welcome amazing, happy Change!


And is this then Eternity!
And am I safely landed here!
No more to Sin, no more to die,
No more to sigh, or shed a Tear! — —
My Soul! can this be I ?
I , who just now imprison'd dwelt
In yonder World of Woe and Guilt!
Just now shudd'ring, trembling, fighing,
Startled at the Thought of dying!
Am I indeed the same?
Or is it all a pleasing Dream? — —
The very same! — — Ye heav'nly Choirs!
Cherubic and Seraphic Fires!
Come, assist my labouring Tongue;
Sound aloud the grateful Song;
Assist a Stranger to express
His Thanks to rich unbounded Grace — —
J ESUS ! th' unbounded Grace was thine,
Who bled and languished on the Tree,
And bore infinite Pains for me,
To raise me thus to Joys Divine.
And do I see Thy Face at last,
O my Dear, incarnate G OD !
And has Thy Love Thy Servant plac'd
In this Thy shining, blest Abode!
Enough! — — Thy Bounty gives me mor
Than I could think or wish before.
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