The Souls Admiration Hereupon

What I such Praises sing! How can it bee?
Shall I in Heaven sing?
What I, that scarce durst hope to see
Lord, such a thing?
Though nothing is too hard for thee:
One Hope hereof seems hard to mee.

What, Can I ever tune those Melodies
Who have no tune at all?
Not knowing where to stop nor Rise,
Nor when to Fall.
To sing thy Praise I am unfit.
I have not learn'd my Gam-Ut yet.

But should these Praises on string'd Instruments
Be sweetly tun'de? I finde
I nonplust am: for no Consents
I ever minde.
My Tongue is neither Quill, nor Bow:
Nor Can my Fingers Quavers show.

But was it otherwise I have no Kit:
Which though I had, I could
Not tune the strings, which soon would slip
Though others should.
But should they not, I cannot play:
But for an F should strike an A.

And should thy Praise upon Winde Instruments
Sound all o're Heaven Shrill?
My Breath will hardly through such Vents
A Whistle fill,
Which though it should, its past my spell
By Stops, and Falls to sound it Well.

How should I then, joyn in such Exercise?
One sight of thee'l intice
Mine Eyes to heft: Whose Extasies
Will stob my Voice.
Hereby mine Eyes will bind my Tongue.
Unless thou, Lord, do Cut the thong.

What Use of Uselesse mee, then there, poore snake?
There Saints, and Angels sing,
Thy Praise in full Cariere, which make
The Heavens to ring.
Yet if thou wilt thou Can'st me raise
With Angels bright to sing thy Praise.
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