Sounding Brass
" Beloved Brethren it makes for righteousness. "
How that same phrase doth smell strong, after all!
How cant, hypocrisy, and guilefulness
There curdle and beget their bitter gall!
Effluviae therefrom do soar on high!
Like foul-beak'd buzzards do they blight the breeze
Whereat all honest men heave heavy sigh,
That in Religion's name fly fowls like these.
From many pulpits do they take their wing —
All on the blessed Sabbath's holy calm —
O'er gravest Deacons do they lightsome fling
O'er primmest Elders starched wi' Gilead's balm.
Hypocrisy to-day doth stain The Church.
Tears of true repentance sole can lave the smirch.
How that same phrase doth smell strong, after all!
How cant, hypocrisy, and guilefulness
There curdle and beget their bitter gall!
Effluviae therefrom do soar on high!
Like foul-beak'd buzzards do they blight the breeze
Whereat all honest men heave heavy sigh,
That in Religion's name fly fowls like these.
From many pulpits do they take their wing —
All on the blessed Sabbath's holy calm —
O'er gravest Deacons do they lightsome fling
O'er primmest Elders starched wi' Gilead's balm.
Hypocrisy to-day doth stain The Church.
Tears of true repentance sole can lave the smirch.
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