Spanish Jake

(with Sammy Lerner)


Land of fandangoes,
Where all the gang goes hotcha,
Land of the sweet muchacha
And of the sweet refrain.
There you will find a sort of a kind of loafer,
All of the tourists go for,
When they arrive in Spain.


In company his manner's grand,
Upon his knee he'll kiss your hand
And when your rings are gone, make no mistake,
Blame Spanish Jake.
He sends you flow'rs, you get a thrill;
But with the thrill you get a bill.
And in the zoo you'll never meet a snake
Like Spanish Jake.
His reputation's black as ink is,
He and his half-brother Pincus,
They have guns with many notches —
That's from swatting those cucarochas.
What a man and what a life,
He says someday he'll take a wife.
But he forgets to say whose wife he'll take,
That's Spanish Jake.


Six feet tall from shoes to hat,
Without a hat he's half of that.
So if you meet a worm, make no mistake,
That's Spanish Jake.
A medal hangs upon his chest,
He got it when he bought the rest,
So if you want to meet the latest fake,
Meet Spanish Jake.
He is on a rigid diet,
Eats food only when you buy it.
Even bulls refuse to fight him,
They're afraid that he's gonna bite 'em.
He would play a steel guitar
If he could steal a steel guitar.
He's got the kind of neck you'd like to break,
That's Spanish Jake.
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