The Spiritual Warfare

 A RM thee in Panoply Divine,
My Soul, and fir'd with Courage rise;
A Thousand Enemies combine
T' obstruct thy Progress to the Skies.

  Infernal Darts perpetual Fly,
And scatter various Deaths around;
Around thee Thousands daily die,
And none escape without a Wound.

 The World presents her tempting Charms,
And wears the Aspect of a Friend,
Yet ah! She carries deadly Arms,
And all her Smiles in Ruin end.

 But Oh! the Flesh ! that latent Foc!
That treach'rous En'my in my Breast!
'Tis hence proceeds my Overthrow,
And hence I'm conquer'd by the rest.

 Thro' Troops of potent Enemies,
Thro' hostile Snares, and Fields of Blood,
If I expect the Glorious Prize,
I must pursue my dangerous Road.

 But ah! how can a seeble Worm
Obtain so hard a Victory?
Alas! I perish in the Storm,
And helpless fall, and bleed, and die.

 The glorious Prize stands full in View,
But Deaths and Dangers stop my Way:
Thou glorious Prize! Adieu, adieu!
Here, Cruel Foes! Come, seize your Prey.

 But hark! an animating Voice
Majestic breaks from th' upper Sky:
“Courage, frail Worm! Live and rejoice,
“I have procur'd the Victory.

 “Suspended on th' accursed Tree,
“I crush'd the Might of all thy Foes:
“Dying, I spoil'd their Tyranny,
“And triumph'd o'er them when I rose.

 “This Arm that props the Universe,
“And holds up Nature's tott'ring Frame,
“Can all surrounding Harms disperse,
“And safe protect the feeblest Name.

 “The Captain OF S ALVATION deigns
“To lead the Van, and guard thy Way;
“And since thy conquering Leader reigns,
“Th' infernal Pow'rs shall miss their Prey.

 “In M E confide; from M E derive
“Courage and Strength to keep the Field:
“In Crowds of Death then Thou shalt live,
“And all thy stubborn Foes shall yield.

 “The Spirit's Sword victorious wield,
“And steel thy Breast with Righteousness;
“Let Faith be thy Triumphant Shield;
“Thy Helmet, Hope of heav'nly Bliss.

 “See in my Hands the glorious Prize;
“This Crown the Conquerer shall wear:
“Rise then with dauntless Courage rise,
“And bid adeiu to every Fear.

 Tho' sharp the Combat, 'tis but short;
Vict'ry with active Wing draws nigh:
“And my brave Soldiers, all unhurr,
“Ere long shall triumph in the Sky.”

 Blest J ESUS ! fir'd with martial Zeal
I arm, and rush into the Fight;
And thro' my Weakness still I feel,
I am Almighty in Thy Might.

 Thy gracious Words my Heart inspire
With gen'rous Zeal for noble Deeds;
Let Hell and all her Hosts appear,
My Soul, undaunted, now proceeds.

  Satan , affrighted at thy Frown,
Retreats, despairing of his Prey;
And all the Flatt'ries Earth has shewn,
In vain their treach'rous Charms display.

 The Flesh , subdu'd by Grace Divine,
No more shall triumph o'er the Man.
Now, Glorious Prize! I call thee mine,
Tho' Earth and Hell do all they can.
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